Toilet Bowl

Gregg Hirshberg
2 min readMay 24, 2018


I get it, the NFL is in a tough spot. A spot they don’t want to be in. Let the players protest, and half of their fan base is going to be upset. Don’t let them protest, and the other half is going to be upset. Not a great situation for any business. But they’re still screwing this up. It isn’t a first amendment issue, because no one is being sent to jail or punished by the government for using their freedom of speech. What I think they should have done, is come out said point blank, taking a knee isn’t disrespecting any song or flag. But we would prefer our players be united, as the NBA players are, and we will fully support our players using their platform to help bring attention to the issues that are important to them. So in press conferences, they can speak about whatever they want. We will allow political/religions/personal statements on the tape on their arms or their sweatbands. And then the NFL should have never mentioned it again.

The biggest stars in the NBA, took to a stage during an ESPN show in 2016, and spoke about race and social activism. And sponsors didn’t run away from the NBA and fans didn’t stop filling up arenas. The NFL took a tough situation, which they didn’t create or want, and managed to crap the bed. They made this a lose-lose for everyone involved. And they did it because of a giant orange baby in the white house threw a tantrum. He claims that it’s about respecting the anthem/flag/troops/whatever. But that is such bullshit. The truth is, he’s still angry that the NFL crushed the USFL, ending a team he owned and he costing him millions, and his attempts to buy an NFL team (first the Pats and then the Bills) failed. This, as most things with him are, was always about vengeance. And this might be his most (first) Machiavellian move ever. He has, finally, forever damaged the NFL. Ain’t it great, that the President of the United States, just struck a blow to an industry that provides jobs for over 110,000 Americans and generates nearly $10 billion in annual revenue? What a dict.

I’d like to say that I won’t stand for the anthem ever again, but I honestly can’t take a knee while in the stands. Because, if I take a knee, I legitimately fear for the safety of my family. So from now on, if you’re looking for me during the anthem, I’ll be in the restroom. The smell of crap is more appealing than this flaming turd.



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